Ejaz Khan Earth Photography - Wild Horses - World Animal Protection

"Freedom" Equine Fine Art Exhibit by Ejaz Khan



We celebrated Earth Day by inviting art and animal lovers alike to an equine fine art exhibit, hosted by Ejaz Kahn, to appreciate the beauty of horses running freely in the wild.

This Earth Day (April 22nd), we had the unique opportunity to organize an exclusive photography exhibit, “Freedom,” in partnership with and hosted by fashion and wildlife photographer Ejaz Khan. The show featured wild horses that Ejaz photographed in Saintes-Maries-de-la-Mer, France. In light of Earth Day, the focus of the evening was to bring attention to the sad reality and effects of climate change upon animals around the world, including the beautiful creatures highlighted in Ejaz’s work.

Pictured: Ejaz Khan’s “Freedom” exhibition at his gallery in NYC

On the night of the event, 200 supporters attended to view Ejaz’s photography and learn about how World Animal Protection is alleviating the detriment climate change has caused to animals globally. Climate change brings upon more extreme weather patterns as well as more intense disasters, both of which result in a loss of food and habitat, increased living stress, disease and death for animals. Through our 50 years of disaster relief work, we have not only saved millions of animals affected by natural disasters but have also prepared communities and governments to better prepare for future disasters, taking care of animals along the way.

In addition to disaster relief, World Animal Protection US continues to campaign against factory farming alongside our International colleagues. By bringing awareness to how much suffering and cruelty as well as pollution to our environment factory farming produces, we hope to end this unnatural production of meat and shift peoples’ substantial consumption. Through this work, we strive to reduce greenhouse gas emissions around the world as factory farming produces more pollutants than all trains, cars and airplanes in the world combined, according to the UN Food and Agriculture Organization.

Pictured: Ejaz Khan speaking to guests

Ejaz’s wildlife photography is inspired by his love of animals and nature. He says “as a fashion photographer, I pay the models to work with me. As a wildlife photographer, I don't pay my subjects, so I want to give back to the organizations that can help the animals I photograph.”

Through this collaboration, Ejaz generously donated 50% of all sales to support our mission to aid animals around the world.

Pictured: Ben Williamson (Director of US Programs), Angela Kung (Corporate & Events Manager), Alesia Soltanpanah (US Executive Director)

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