An update about our efforts to push PetSmart to stop selling wild reptiles and amphibians in their stores.
In mid-October, World Animal Protection delivered a petition to PetSmart’s Phoenix, Arizona headquarters urging the pet retailer to phase out the sale of reptiles and amphibians. In Canada, we also delivered the petition to several PetSmart stores in Toronto to further amplify our message.
World Animal Protection US Executive Director Lindsay Oliver delivered our petition to PetSmart headquarters in Phoenix, Arizona.
Signed by tens of thousands of North Americans, the petition emphasized that by selling wild animals, PetSmart is contributing to the cruel multi-billion-dollar wildlife trade that exploits animals on an industrial scale. Some of the species they sell are under pressure in the wild, and none of these wild animals can thrive in captivity. That’s why more than 20 animal protection and environmental groups, veterinarians, and scientists signed our joint letter urging PetSmart to end the sale of reptiles and amphibians.
Animal advocate Aggie Shapiro is one of the more than 50,000 North Americans calling on PetSmart to stop selling wild animals.
This isn’t the end of our campaign. Help us keep the pressure on PetSmart by sending an email straight to PetSmart executives urging them to phase out reptile and amphibian sales. Together we can protect these often-forgotten animals from suffering.