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Nicole Barrantes
We’re making our campaign heard in the Windy City, right at Groupon’s front door.
World Animal Protection US
Animals deserve to live a happy, healthy life no matter where you travel.
Download our new Groupon activist toolkit.
Liz Cabrera Holtz
World Animal Protection released a new report uncovering how Groupon has helped some of the worst captive wildlife...
Hannah Goldstein
Wild animals are suffering in small, barren cages in roadside zoos and marine amusement parks across the US....
This week, World Animal Protection launched a new campaign against discount and travel company Groupon to convince the...
Read about how the orca capture industry started and ended in the United States.
France takes significant steps to protect wild animals with a sweeping law that prohibits performances with wild animals...
As much as we love sloths and want to be near their cuteness, it’s important not to buy...
Giraffes are wild animals who don’t want to interact with humans—even in captivity.
Brush up on your Spanish and Portuguese and plan a trip down south for incredible, animal-friendly wildlife watching...
Don't get duped into supporting the hidden cruelties of these popular tourist activities.