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Liz Cabrera Holtz
An update about our efforts to push PetSmart to stop selling wild reptiles and amphibians in their stores.
Advocate for wild animals in your community with our downloadable toolkit.
An update on a case of African wild cat trafficking in New York.
Countless PetSmart groomers and the dogs in their care have suffered under the leadership of private equity firm...
Giraffes are wild animals who don’t want to interact with humans—even in captivity.
Scientists, researchers, and academics are increasingly calling on scientific bodies to assess and rename species so that they...
In honor of National Wildlife Day on September 4th, here are four concrete actions you can take to...
World Animal Protection’s latest report reveals the US’ largest reptile expos appear to be illegally selling tiny turtles...
The honeybee is in danger and that puts us in danger, too.
Dunkin’ quietly pulled its popular Beyond Sausage Sandwich from thousands of locations, devastating me and countless plant-based meat...
As a nation, we are captivated by wild animals. But are zoos the right place to view them?
PetSmart’s new campaign “Anything for Pets” is anything but good for wild animals.