On this World Lion Day, we aren’t lyin’ about these fun facts!
1. Lions consume their water from plants
Lions have adapted to live in hot, dry climates. Those who live in the driest conditions, such as the desert, eat tsamma melons to hydrate. These melons look like watermelons!
2. Lions’ lifespan in the wild is 16 years
While variables such as access to food and shelter may impact a lion’s lifespan, the average lion lives for 16 years in the wild.
3. Lions are loud!
A lion’s roar carries, on average, 5 miles and reaches a volume of 114 decibels from three feet away. That’s louder than a motorcycle!
4. Lions can swim...
...but they don’t really like doing so. Their physiology does not lend itself well to swimming, and lions will only swim if they need to cross rivers or streams during a hunt with their pride.
5. Lionesses often sync births within a pride
Although lions do not breed in a specific season, lionesses have been found to synchronize their birthing periods. This allows all the female lions to care for one another’s offspring, maximizing chances of survival. (Bonus Fact: After they’re grown, female lions always stay within the pride, while male lions leave after learning to hunt on their own).
Lions are magnificent and beautiful animals whose populations are declining. There are only an estimated 20,000 lions left in the wild. Many of these lions are being purchased by people wanting to raise them as pets or use them to entertain tourists at roadside zoos and parks. Unfortunately, these lions are then discarded or neglected once they reach adulthood.
Lions are suffering, as they need to be in the wild to thrive with their pride. If you want to help put a stop to this cruelty, learn how to be a wildlife-friendly traveler.