All animals, big and small, young and old, deserve a good life. Here are some of the sweetest baby animals you've helped protect around the globe.
This little Angel
We worked alongside the Sierra Leone Animal Welfare Society (SLAWS) to vaccinate dogs against rabies, and prevent the unnecessary killing of dogs. Angel is one of the puppies that benefited from a rabies vaccination exercise carried out in the area.
Keepin’ our eyes on Big Eyes
We visited AIUNAU Foundation, who oversaw the project funded in Colombia to rehabilitate and release sloths back into the wild. In the picture is Big Eyes, a baby 3-toed sloth.
The tiniest opossum you ever did see
This is Tom, a baby opossum rescued by firefighters in Brazil. Our disaster response team deployed to Rio Branco, in Acre State, Brazil to deliver medicines to CETAS, where wild animals were brought after being inured, displaced or confiscated due to the Amazon fires. Some animals had been rescued from the fires, but many are also the victims of deforestation, illegal wildlife trafficking, and road accidents. No larger than a child’s hand, Tom was obviously too young to be alone. Nearly bald, his fur stood in patchy tufts and he walks unsteadily, stopping frequently and trembling. When the vets picked him up to examine him, he seemed to calm down, reassured by their touch. Like the other orphaned babies, he received medical treatment, food, water and constant care.
Adorable dolphin calves
Last year, our US office partnered with Airbnb to create a progressive animal welfare policy that backs their Animal Experiences. Not only does their policy ban the direct touching of wild animals and promotes viewing wild animals in the wild, it also bans venues that hold marine mammals in captivity—ensuring dolphin calves can live with their families in the wild.
Sleepy, spotted cubs
While we were in Brazil responding to the Amazon fires, an officer of the Environmental Police brought two “coloured cougar” cubs to the Wildlife Hospital Sector of the Vet Faculty at the Federal University of Mato Grosso. It's likely that these cubs were victims of the fires, as the mother was nowhere to be seen which is highly unusual for felines. Both cubs were treated in intensive care.
Beary hungry cubs
Thanks to your support, we helped rescue a group of bear cubs who were given a second chance at freedom at our partner sanctuary, the Balkasar bear sanctuary in Pakistan, run by our partner group the Bioresource Research Centre (BRC). All the bears at the sanctuary have been rescued from captivity where they are used in entertainment for baiting or dancing.
Pongao and her mom
We worked with ChangChill as they transitioned to become an elephant-friendly camp, free of riding and other cruel activities, where elephants have the freedom to be elephants instead of entertainers. This is Pongao; she is two years old and was born in captivity to mother Jokia, aged 31. With your support, the changes made at ChangChill transformed their lives.