Meat companies are trying to get their friends in Congress to use the upcoming Farm Bill to keep animal cruelty in place.
Proposition 12, a landmark California law passed in 2018 by a substantial majority of voters and upheld by the Supreme Court in 2023, mandates larger living spaces for farmed animals, including pigs in gestation crates. However, despite overwhelming support and its impact for millions of animals, Prop 12’s future is uncertain with the ongoing Farm Bill discussions.
The Farm Bill, a comprehensive piece of legislation renewed every five years, encompasses a wide range of agricultural policies, including those impacting animal agriculture. Advocates are worried that certain provisions within the current version of the bill will undermine existing protections passed at the state level, like Proposition 12. Some legislators have openly challenged these laws and are trying to wipe out state victories that have established critical protections for chickens, pigs, and calves
When the meat industry’s legal challenges were not successfully overturning Prop 12, they turned to Congress. The EATS (Ending Agricultural Trade Suppression) Act, which has been introduced several times in recent sessions, would overturn Prop 12 and many other laws like it. World Animal Protection has mobilized our supporters several times to demonstrate to legislators that voters do not support this terrible bill.
Now, legislators have inserted portions of the EATS Act into the Farm Bill, hoping it goes through under the radar within the giant package of legislation. It is crucial that this language is not included in the Farm Bill, as it would undo years of advocacy and progress advancing protections for animals.
While the Farm Bill in its full form is not yet up for a vote, ask your legislator to oppose the EATS Act and support animal-friendly policies in the Farm Bill. This advocacy is essential for building a transformative and humane food system that treats animals with compassion and respect.