“Honestly… Slay.” World Animal Protection Crashes GetYourGuide’s Summit in Berlin
GetYourGuide, a Berlin-based travel company, profits from selling tickets to venues that use animals for entertainment. World Animal Protection is urging GetYourGuide to remove animal entertainment from its offerings.
World Animal Protection, PETA, and Welttierschutzgesellschaft (WTG) were outside GetYourGuide’s Berlin headquarters on Friday, May 17, 2024, during the company’s “Summer Summit” staff retreat, demanding the travel company stop promoting and selling cruel wildlife entertainment activities.
We were joined by more than a dozen supporters demanding the company remove wild animal experiences such as bathing with elephants, selfies with tiger cubs, alligator wrestling, orca shows, and swimming with dolphins.
Staffers walking into the GetYourGuide summit commented “Keep going!”, “Honestly… slay”, and “I support you!” to our team outside while other staff members had more in-depth conversations.
In addition to the protest, World Animal Protection launched a billboard near the company’s headquarters calling out GetYourGuide and a mobile LED billboard vehicle will circle throughout Berlin as GetYourGuide employees arrive for the company’s flagship Summer Summit’s all-staff gathering.
Tours and venues that have been offered on GetYourGuide include the notorious Miami Seaquarium—a venue so cruel that the county of Miami-Dade recently terminated Miami Seaquarium’s lease due to animal welfare concerns.
Additionally, World Animal Protection’s 2024 report, Waves of Profit, found that GetYourGuide is currently one of six travel companies selling tickets to dolphin entertainment venues that purchase dolphins originating from the Taiji dolphin hunts.
Other companies profiting from animal suffering through GetYourGuide include SeaWorld San Antonio, where World Animal Protection investigators witnessed dolphins forced to beach themselves and breakdance for entertainment.
Until GetYourGuide implements a global animal welfare policy and removes venues profiting from animal entertainment, such as SeaWorld, fake elephant sanctuaries in Thailand, and Miami Seaquarium, World Animal Protection is urging travelers to boycott GetYourGuide.
Want to help us move GetYourGuide to protect animals? Comment on its Instagram and tweet GetYourGuide urging its team to work with us to implement an animal welfare policy!