The world is becoming more and more aware of how our lifestyle choices impact animals. Are you ready to go cruelty-free?
Over the last two decades, businesses have increasingly been tasked to listen to customers’ demands of addressing animal welfare.
More and more makeup brands are launching vegan products and taking a stand against animal testing while retail brands ranging from fast fashion to luxury are pledging to ban fur, exotic skins and leather.
Well-esteemed corporate behemoths, such as Covergirl, Coach and Diane von Furstenberg are the latest to jump on the bandwagon to make a change for the better of animals’ lives, all because consumers voiced their opinion.
Even mainstream restaurants like the Cheesecake Factory and Chipotle are offering vegan and plant-based menu options.
With the Internet boom and upsurge of information accessibility, the general public is more aware than ever of what goes on behind the scenes of companies that profit from animals.
Undercover investigations of cruel makeup testing facilities, as well as fur and factory farms have been revealed too many times to be forgotten.
Customers are forcing companies to recognize the importance of animal welfare.
What can you do to help?
To take a stand for animals, support brands that are cruelty-free.
If your favorite brand or restaurant is engaging in animal cruelty, contact them through email, social media or regular mail to let them know you expect more.
Review World Animal Protection’s rankings, such as The Pecking Order and BBFAW, to find the companies failing animals and sign up to receive alerts on companies we are targeting.
By showing your disappointment publicly, you will express your demand for the better treatment of animals.
Cruelty-free gifts we love:
- Vegan leather bags and accessories from White Rhino Bags
- The leopard print bikini from Mahina Bikinis
- Cruelty-free makeup from any of these brands
- Support of our work through signed petitions
- A donation in the name of a loved one to help animals