Aiming to end rabies by 2030
Better Lives for Dogs campaign coordinator Ellie Parravani discusses the importance of bringing rabies back to the attention of world leaders and policy makers, urging them to commit to stamping out the disease
99% of human rabies cases are contracted through dog bites. So for the 59,000 human deaths that happen every year, tens of thousands of dogs suffer and die from rabies too.
And many more dogs are at risk of being culled in its name. But all of these deaths are preventable. That’s why we’ve partnered with the Global Alliance for Rabies Control to make rabies elimination a reality in the next 15 years.
Bringing rabies back to the attention of policy makers
Rabies has existed for over 4,000 years, and mass dog vaccination has been proven time and time again as the only way to eliminate it, but still not enough is being done. Government decision makers have neglected the disease for far too long.
We are working with the Global Alliance for Rabies Control to make sure rabies is forgotten no longer. GARC are coordinating the End Rabies Now campaign which launched this week. We are a partner in the campaign, along with the World Health Organization. By working together, we can create positive impact for dogs and the communities they live in – and we can do it quickly.
The campaign’s goal is to bring rabies back to the attention of world leaders and policy makers, meaning we can make sure they commit to stamping out the disease by 2030.
Two puppies waiting to be vaccinated in Ubedolumolo, Flores
We’ve worked with the Global Alliance for Rabies Control many times to show that vaccination works. Right now, we’re working together to vaccinate dogs on the Indonesian island of Nias, and have collaborated to do the same in the Philippines.
Collaborating with governments to reach our goals
We are working with the Government of Bangladesh who have committed to end rabies by 2020. And now we’re working in Kenya, whose government has just committed to end rabies by 2030.
By introducing more measures like dog owner education and instruction on how to prevent dog bites, we can make sure rabies stays stamped out for good. This is how the island of Zanzibar is throwing the disease out. It is high time that more countries committed to end this disease. Every human death and every dog death is one death too many.
Influential people are already joining the movement: Richard Branson wrote a blog about the impact of rabies on the day End Rabies Now was launched.
Help end rabies by 2030
You can help us show decision makers how much appetite there is to make rabies history. Find out more about our work for dogs, protecting them from cruel treatment all over the globe.