Together we’re celebrating another momentous year for bears in Pakistan
With your wonderful support, big steps have been taken to protect bears in Pakistan
Thanks to you, three more bears have come to live at the Balkasar sanctuary, entering a world free from pain and suffering, and full of peace, security and open spaces.
They make up 36 Asiatic black bears now living in the sanctuary, far away from the brutality of bear baiting.
But sadly, an estimated 40 bears remain in captivity in Pakistan, caught up in the brutal blood "sport" of bear baiting, and none us of will rest until each one can live a life free from pain and exploitation.
With your support, we continue to work tirelessly with our local partner, Bioresource Research Centre (BRC), to negotiate with bears' owners, to help them understand the suffering that bears go through in captivity, and to provide them with alternative cruelty-free livelihoods in exchange for their bears.
These negotiations brought our three latest residents, Daara, Dorita and Leena (pictured above), to the sanctuary in October 2015. Each one of them bears physical and emotional scars after years of being forced to dance and to fight in the bear baiting ring. But they are now free from daily suffering.
All three happy and sociable bears are now in good health, and getting used to their new surroundings. They will be leaving quarantine soon to join the rest of the bears in the main sanctuary enclosure.
Every day, with your help, we work with our trusted local partner to protect and take care of the bears of Pakistan.
Together, we are working with local scholars, religious leaders and influential landlords, to educate, raise awareness and promote the importance of animal protection, while working with authorities to stop events.
This is all adding up to a better future for the bears and people of Pakistan - and it’s all thanks to you.
Learn more about all we're doing as we try to create a better tomorrow for bears - rescuing them from unimaginable pain as a dancing bear and ending horrific torture of those used for the "sport" of bear baiting. And join us in our efforts.