Victory for seals: EU ban on seal products upheld after appeal
We're pleased that the World Trade Organization (WTO) has upheld a European Union ban on the import of seal products.
The ban was implemented in November 2013 but had been appealed by Canada and Norway.
Our EU Trade Specialist, Emily Rees, said: “This is good news for the billions of animals traded globally every year. For the first time, the WTO has sent a clear message to governments around the world that moral values on the protection of animals are taken seriously in international trade law.
“The mistreatment of animals for commercial purposes must stop altogether. This is a victory not just for seals but for the millions of animals that will be protected in years to come as a result of this landmark decision.
“We urge the EU to continue to uphold animal welfare as a core value in global trade policy and within its free trade negotiations.”