Video: See what we've accomplished together this year
Thank you for protecting animals in 2015
Because of you we've achieved so much for animals, protecting them from cruelty and suffering in 2015. You helped us respond and help more than 1.3 million animals in areas affected by disasters. You helped convince 83 companies to stop offering elephant rides, allowing elephants to live in the wild - where they belong. You helped create a Sea Change, allowing us to rescue marine animals from entanglement in lost or abandoned fishing gear, bringing us closer to our goal to save 1 million marine animals by 2018. You also saved dogs from cruel culling, helped us bring more bears to our sanctuaries, and improved the lives of over 90 million farm animals.
That's one busy year.
Thank you for sharing our vision of a world where animals live free from suffering.
Thank you for sharing our vision of a world where animals live free from suffering.