Ajia turns her head to look to the camera. Credit: The NEW Zoo & Adventure Park

Ajia the Lion (2005-2025)


Ajia passed away in February after spending her entire life in captivity.

Ajia, a 20-year-old female African lion at the NEW Zoo & Adventure Park in Wisconsin, was killed via euthanasia as her health had declined due to her advanced age. Ajia was bred in captivity and lived the majority of her life at the NEW Zoo after arriving there in 2006 from the Henry Vilas Zoo in Madison, WI.

Zoo staff remember Ajia as a “very good girl” who captivated visitors and will be deeply missed. She bonded easily with the male lion, Loid, who shared the habitat with her for several years and remains at the zoo. Ajia preferred taking food from feeding tongs rather than eating off the ground.

Ajia was part of the Association of Zoos and Aquarium’s (AZA) Species Survival Plan for African lions and gave birth to three cubs in captivity in 2008. All three cubs were eventually transferred to other zoos in the US to bred as part of the program. Captive breeding programs are often framed under a guise of conservation but serve to keep zoos stocked with baby animals for visitor appeal. Loid was moved to the NEW Zoo enclosure in 2017 when he was 2 in hope the two would bond because “in the event more lions are needed for AZA zoos, Ajia and Loid might be called upon.

Wild animals cannot thrive in captivity. If you want to observe wild animals in your communities or while on vacation, we encourage you to visit and support accredited wild animal sanctuaries or Wildlife Heritage Areas.

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