Bruce the Bat-Eared Fox | Credit: Columbus Zoo and Aquarium

Bruce the Bat-Eared Fox (2019-2024)


Bruce, a bat-eared fox, passed away at the beginning of July 2024 following long-term health issues.

Bruce was five years old at the time of his death in early July at the Columbus Zoo and Aquarium in Ohio. He was euthanized following a decline in his long-term illness. His sister, Ivy, died earlier in the year after deteriorating due to diabetes.

Bat-eared foxes are classified as Least Concern from The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species, but they remain threatened by hunting for sport and for their furs in the wildlife trade. Bat-eared foxes bred in US zoos are unlikely to be reintroduced into the wild or learn natural survival skills. Rather, they are bred to be living attractions for zoo visitors. Case in point: Bruce was used with visitors as part of a paid experience with other captive animals.

World Animal Protection urges everyone who loves foxes to avoid zoos and enjoy them in the wild or an accredited sanctuary.  

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