Bulera the gorilla looks at the camera.

Burela the Gorilla (1989-2024)


Burela, a western lowland gorilla, passed away in August after contracting shigella at the Jacksonville Zoo and Gardens.

Burela was 35 years old when she and other primates were exposed to shigella bacteria. While western lowland gorillas are native to central Africa, Burela spent her whole life in captivity in the US. She was born in 1989 at Lincoln Park Zoo in Chicago, IL, and went on to give birth to a son and fostered another infant.

In their natural habitats, western gorillas are threatened by habitat loss, disease, and threats from agricultural and energy expansion. Although they are classified as Critically Endangered by the IUCN’s Red List, those born in captivity (like Burela and her offspring) are unlikely to be released into the wild. Instead, they become living curiosities, forced to entertain the visiting public.

World Animal Protection urges everyone who loves gorillas and other primates to avoid zoos and enjoy them in the wild or in an accredited sanctuary.

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