Caxx the Jaguar | Credit: Erie Zoo via Facebook

Caax the Jaguar (2004-2024)


Caax, a 20-year-old male jaguar, died in August 2024 at the Erie Zoo from neurologic and musculoskeletal diseases.

He spent his entire life in small enclosures, many times smaller than a jaguar’s natural range, which can reach hundreds of miles. He was born at the Audubon Zoo in Louisiana and transferred to the Erie Zoo in 2005.

Jaguar populations are decreasing due to hunting and habitat loss from logging and agriculture. The IUCN Red List classifies jaguars as near threatened. Despite zoos’ claims, jaguars bred in US zoos are bred for entertainment and not conservation. They are generally not reintroduced to the wild. Caax had two cubs at Erie Zoo; both remain at other zoos today. 

World Animal Protection urges everyone who loves jaguars to avoid zoos and enjoy them in the wild or at an accredited sanctuary. 

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