Goji the Octopus (c. 2020-2024)
Goji, a giant Pacific Octopus, died at the Aquarium of the Pacific in Long Beach, California.
Goji died in August 2024 at the Aquarium of the Pacific in Long Beach, CA. She arrived at the aquarium in March 2023 and was estimated to be three to four years old.
Giant Pacific octopuses live alone on the coasts of the Pacific Ocean. They are the largest octopus species in the world, averaging between 22 and 110 pounds. The biggest giant Pacific octopus ever recorded weighed more than 600 pounds and was 30 feet wide.
Octopuses are intelligent, curious animals who can solve puzzles and mazes, use tools, and imitate other octopuses. A small aquarium tank is grossly inadequate to meet their complex needs. A tank is vastly smaller than a giant Pacific octopus’ ocean habitat where they encounter other animals like sharks and fishes, swim hundreds of feet deep, and move through tidal pools and coral reefs.
Octopuses are under threat from degraded habitats, industrial fishing, and octopus farming. Though the industry hasn’t taken hold in the US yet, companies are poised to confine and farm millions of octopuses in small tanks before killing them for their meat. The OCTOPUS Act would prohibit commercial octopus farming in the US and ban the importation of farmed octopus. It’s critical that US residents reach out to their legislators to stop octopus farming before it starts.
World Animal Protection urges everyone who loves octopuses to avoid zoos and aquariums and enjoy them in the wild or at sanctuaries.