An Advocate
Advocate for ethical, sustainable substitutes to meat, dairy, and eggs; or animal-friendly alternatives to elephant rides, dolphin shows or wildlife selfies.
Animals hold incredible power. They inspire joy, offer companionship, and provide a deeper connection to nature. But their power is much greater than their influence on our daily lives. At World Animal Protection, we believe that prioritizing animals is not only essential to healing our wounded planet but also an ethical imperative, as animals are sentient beings who deserve lives free from exploitation.
We’ve launched the Power of Animals Campaign to stop animal exploitation and create a thriving future for all. Your support will enable us to protect more animals from suffering in factory farming and the global wildlife trade.
Taking Aim at Factory Farming
Food production and agriculture earn billions from exploiting animals with little pressure to stop the pain they inflict on animals. Animals can't challenge these cruel industries, but you can.
Taking Aim at the Wildlife Trade
Wild animals everywhere are bred, stolen, and exploited for entertainment, tourism, medicine, and as "pets." We must stop seeing animals as mere commodities.
Advocate for ethical, sustainable substitutes to meat, dairy, and eggs; or animal-friendly alternatives to elephant rides, dolphin shows or wildlife selfies.
Put pressure on governments to pass laws that protect animals. Legal protections are our most powerful tool to change animals’ lives forever.
Help mobilize people to demand an end to animal exploitation.
Disasters, wars, and other crises put animals at risk. You can enable us to expand our work with local partners to help animals escape emergent situations.
Support for this campaign will help the world fundamentally change its relationship with animals, moving away from cruelty and exploitation towards a compassionate future. In this future, all animals can thrive, and so will we.
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