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World Animal Protection US
Our Global Farm Animal adviser, Sarah Ison, shares her perspective on the lives of pigs and what it...
Nicole Barrantes
If you can touch, ride or feed a wild animal while on vacation, it’s most likely cruel.
Julie Cappiello
While turkey is the “traditional” Thanksgiving main, ham is also widely eaten on this day in America. Here’s...
Research has shown that eating plant-based foods rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants can help boost your defense...
Social media is the biggest driver behind the trade of otters to be kept as pets – but...
Years being used as a bait bear left Pooh deeply traumatized – but he’s getting better every day...
Borns Group removes dyed dogs from its advertising after learning of its toxic effects.
Pass the time by reading a thought-provoking book about eating less meat.
Policy loopholes pose a risk to critically-endangered pangolins.