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Ben Williamson
We all do things we regret.
World Animal Protection US
We worked with travel booking platform Airbnb to create a new animal welfare policy. The company now offers...
Liz Cabrera Holtz
As a nation, we are captivated by wild animals. But are zoos the right place to view them?
Thomas Cook has dropped a host of cruel, captive animal attractions
Julie Cappiello
In May 2024, we urged Thailand to end the cruel practice with signatures from individuals in 26 countries.
Living in the Forest with Elephants (LIFE) is the newest Wildlife Heritage Area to be announced. It’s the...
World Animal Protection is asking Miami-Dade County to file animal cruelty charges against Miami Seaquarium and seize its...
Animals deserve to live a happy, healthy life no matter where you travel.
A bear named Baloo has been locked up in a cage at a ski resort in Romania for...