A sad parrot in a wire cage with their claw wrapped around the cage, looking into the camera.

Protect Parrots From Cruelty in Rhode Island

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Urge Your Rhode Island Legislators to Support the Parrot Bill  

Right now, tens of thousands of parrots are languishing in dirty warehouses, waiting to be shipped to pet stores. Birds often endure extreme heat and freezing cold and rarely receive veterinary care.

Bird sanctuaries and rescues are in crisis, overwhelmed with requests from people who realize the birds they purchase aren’t suited to captivity in human homes. H5214 is urgently needed to protect parrots from cruelty and alleviate the pressure on sanctuaries and rescues.

Parrots sold in pet stores come from large-scale commercial breeding facilities called mills. Thousands of parrots are kept in rows of barren cages in barns and warehouses. Birds are denied the ability to flock, fly, and express the instincts that are vital to their health and well-being.

Whether born in captivity or the wild, birds retain the need to fly and socialize. It isn’t easy to meet birds’ physical and social needs in human homes, despite what pet stores would have us believe. Now, sanctuaries and rescues are overwhelmed with requests from people who want to surrender their birds. There isn’t enough space. 

What H5214 Would Do

  • Ban the sale of parrots sourced from breeders and brokers in pet stores. 
  • Pet stores may still offer parrots from animal rescue organizations or shelters.