World Lion Day Celebration

Push for New Policies

Passing and amending laws at the local, state, and federal levels is a crucial part of animal protection.

Explore our policy campaigns below and learn what it means to advocate for animals.

Mink in a cage.

Urge Your Representative to Support the Mink VIRUS Act

The Mink VIRUS Act (HR 3783) would end mink farming in the US and create a one-year phaseout for mink farms and a grant program to help operators transition out of the industry.

Chickens in a factory farm.

Don’t Let Meat Companies Manipulate Congress

The meat industry lobby has turned to its allies in Congress in a desperate attempt to protect its cruel practices and keep factory farming entrenched in our food system.

Monkeys in cage sad.

Help Bring Animal Abusers to Justice

Help bring animals the justice they deserve. Ask your US Senators and Representative to cosponsor the Better CARE for Animals Act.

A variety of plant foods spread across a table.

Tell Congress to Fund Farmers, Not Factories

Join us in supporting the PLANT Act’s inclusion in the 2023 Farm Bill to promote a sustainable, innovative, and prosperous plant-based food industry and support the farmers growing our plant-based foods.

Bear in cage.

Support the Animal Welfare Enforcement Improvement Act

In the US, sick elephants suffer for years without veterinary care, highly social lemurs are kept isolated, and bears are held in rusty cages. Protect these animals by asking your US representative to cosponsor this bill.

Bearded dragon looking at the camera.

Learn How to Advocate for Laws in Your Community Banning the Sale of Wild Animals

Local change matters, which is why we need your help! Make a difference by cutting off a major supplier of wild animals—pet stores.

Chimp behind a fence looking at the camera.

Support the Captive Primate Safety Act

The Captive Primate Safety Act would prohibit the private possession of primates, protecting these sensitive, intelligent animals from exploitation and abuse.


Help Us End Whale Captivity in the US. Forever.

Tell Congress to pass the SWIMS Act and ban whale captivity.

Dairy cows in a factory farm.

Help Ban Factory Farming: Urge Your Legislators to Support the Farm System Reform Act

The Farm System Reform Act would help put a moratorium on large concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFOs), helping to end one of the largest sources of cruelty to animals in the world.