World Animal Protection and Juno
Highlighting the cruelty behind elephant rides
About the Partnership
Juno prides itself on the exceptional treatment of both its drivers and riders and partnered with World Animal Protection to celebrate World Elephant Day in 2019. It pledged to bring awareness to the cruelty behind elephant rides in tourist venues as well as donate $1 per ride to support our ongoing work to protect animals, including elephants, around the world.
How We Worked Together
Prior to World Elephant Day 2019, both of our organizations sent communications to our respective supporters about the cause marketing collaboration and urged individuals to make a positive impact for elephants. On the day of, the ride-booking app notified customers who planned to take a ride about our World Elephant Day partnership, the donation scheme, and how riders would make a difference through their taxi choice that day.
World Animal Protection’s Taken for a Ride report found that up to 550,000 wild animals are exploited in the tourism industry worldwide. Tourist demand for direct contact activities with elephants such as riding, washing, and feeding leads to a lifetime of abuse. The constant presence of strangers requires elephants to be controlled by keepers through harsh obedience training from a young age that includes severe restraining, pain, and discomfort.
By partnering with the rideshare company and using relevant, thought-provoking messaging, such as “Ride a Cab, not an Elephant,” we were able to bring further awareness and attention to elephant cruelty to new audiences, media outlets, and other animal advocates on World Elephant Day.