Join Our Webinars
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With our webinars, World Animal Protection experts and special guests offer insights and behind-the-scenes access to our wildlife and farming campaigns. Join in and help move the world to protect animals.
February 2024
Webinar: Killed for Fashion: How to Help End Fur Farming in the US
Learn about animals exploited and killed for their furs in the US and how you can help put an end to fur farming.
January 2024
What’s In Store for ’24
Our Campaigns team talks about what we’ve got planned in 2024.
August 2023
Expanding Our Circle of Compassion: Fishes in the Pet Industry
US Senior Campaigns Manager Liz Cabrera Holtz is joined by Kelly Levenda, attorney at the Animal Legal Defense Fund, and Gwendolyn Church, founder of Friends of Philip Fish Sanctuary to discuss how fishes suffer in the pet industry.
August 2023
Farm Bill Action Party
US Farming Campaign Manager Annette Manusevich shares details on the 2023 farm bill.
April 2023
How Responsible Tourism Can Save Wildlife
US Wildlife Campaign Manager Nicole Barrantes sits down with Susanne Etti from Inteprid Travel and Kelly Louise from Impact Travel Alliance to discuss animal-friendly travel and tourism.
March 2023
Protecting Wild Animals Through Local Legislation: Retail Pet Sales Bans and Circus Bans
US Senior Campaigns Manager Liz Cabrera Holtz is joined by Stephanie Harris, Senior Legislative Affairs Manager at the Animal Legal Defense Fund, to discuss how to advocate for retail pet sales bans and circus bans in your community.
October 2022
How to Help Wild Animals Suffering in the Pet Industry
US Senior Campaigns Manager Liz Cabrera Holtz and Canada Wildlife Campaign Manager Michèle Hamers explain how big box pet stores like PetSmart and Petco are profiting from the sale and suffering of animals—and what you can do to help.
April 2022
Devastating Deals: How Groupon Profits from Wild Animal Abuse
In this webinar, our Wildlife Campaign Managers Nicole Barrantes and Liz Cabrera-Holtz discussed the exploitative wildlife venues featured on Groupon and how you can help amplify our campaign and protect wild animals from suffering.
April 2022
The Smallest Victims of the Wildlife Trade: Ending the Sale of Wild Animals in Pet Stores
In this webinar, our Senior Campaigns Manager, Liz Cabrera-Holtz and guests from the Humane Rescue Alliance and the New England Exotic Wildlife Sanctuary focused on the issues surrounding the sale and welfare of smaller wild animal species commonly sold in big box pet stores.
January 2022
What We’re Doing in 2022
From confronting factory farming to protecting wild animals, here’s what World Animal Protection US is up to this year.
October 2021
Protecting Nonhuman Primates Exploited as Pets: Sanctuaries and Solutions
Our Senior Campaigns Manager Liz Cabrera-Holtz hosted a webinar on nonhuman primates with guests from the North American Primate Sanctuary Alliance and Primates Incorporated, plus a special message from Representative Earl Blumenauer (D-OR).