Pig Facts
What are pigs like?
Pigs are smart and friendly animals with lots of personality! Pigs are very intelligent, love to play and explore, and can learn tricks and solve puzzles. Pigs enjoy rolling in the mud to keep cool and protect their skin from the sun and using their snouts and excellent sense of smell to forage for food outside.
Many people think pigs are dirty and messy, but they’re actually very clean animals and will keep their homes tidy if they have enough space. Pigs also have feelings just like us—they can be happy, sad, and even make friends with people and other animals.

Where do pigs live?
Pigs are found on every continent except Antarctica, where it is too cold for pigs to thrive. Pigs have spread around the globe mainly because humans brought them along as they traveled and settled in new places.
What problems do pigs face?
Many pigs are raised just so they can be eaten, mostly on huge factory farms. On factory farms, they experience a lot of pain and suffering. Mother pigs are kept in small crates where they can barely move for most of their lives. When they give birth, they’re quickly separated from their babies. Baby pigs have their tails cut off and their teeth cut down and spend months crowded together in concrete pens as they grow. Many pigs become sick or injured. They are given food to put on weight quickly, which is harmful for their health, and they do not get to live as long as they would if they were left to be free in nature.
How can you help give pigs a better life?
To help protect pigs, you can eat less of them or stop eating them altogether and choose foods made from plants instead. In fact, there are many plant-based foods that taste just like bacon. A parent or guardian can also help you support the PLANT Act, which would help support the growth of plant-based foods.