Snake Facts
What are snakes like?
Snakes are amazing animals with long, smooth bodies and no legs. They slither around on their bellies and come in many colors and patterns, like stripes or spots, which help them blend into their surroundings. Their skin is made out of keratin, just like our own fingernails and hair!
Snakes have special skills, like flicking their tongues to “taste” the air and find food. They are usually very quiet and like to keep to themselves. Even though they might look a bit different from other animals, snakes are an important part of nature and have unique ways of living and surviving.

Where do snakes live?
Snakes are found on every continent except Antarctica, where it is far too cold for snakes to thrive. Snakes live all over the world because they can adapt well to many different environments and climates, like hot, dry deserts and wet rainforests. The map shows where snakes naturally live.
What problems do snakes face?
Unfortunately, many snakes live in unnatural environments, like inside human homes as “pets.” When snakes are kept as “pets,” it’s hard to provide them the care they need to survive, like special temperatures and specific food to stay healthy. They do not enjoy being held or played with like many dogs and cats. Snakes are also hunted for their skin to be used in clothing and shoes.
How can you help give snakes a better life?
You can choose not to purchase a snake to keep as a “pet,” and instead adopt an animal in need from a shelter or rescue, like a dog or cat. With a parent or guardian, you can help tell stores like PetSmart and Petco to stop selling snakes and other wild animals.