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Hannah Goldstein
Invasive species--plants or animals not native to a particular area--can seriously damage ecosystems. Here’s how.
World Animal Protection US
Read on for 11 facts about tigers in the wild and in captivity, and discover how you can...
Las vacas lecheras utilizadas para la producción de leche en las granjas industriales, experimentan un sufrimiento implacable en...
Liz Cabrera Holtz
The DC Council is considering a major animal bill that would provide critical protections to animals living in...
Meganne Natale
Mud bathing—also known as wallowing—is a health and wellness necessity for a pig.
Craving cheese? No matter what variety you want, there are plenty of plant-based options that are kinder for...
Working out with your favorite animal may seem like an incredible experience, but it can put both animals...
Like all reptiles, bearded dragons belong in the wild, not in a tank in your living room.
Nicole Barrantes
Read about how the orca capture industry started and ended in the United States.
Maha Bazzi
How to eat less meat and make your commitment last through the new year.
Dairy cows housed in tie stall barns are tethered continuously or for part of the day. What exactly...
Thanks to your support, KFC is now offering plant-based chicken at all their locations nationwide.