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World Animal Protection US
We couldn’t take real animals to the United Nations disasters conference in Geneva, so we brought six large...
We found these superbugs – bacteria resistant to antibiotics most critically important to humans – in pork on...
New York ride-share company partners with World Animal Protection to raise funds and awareness on World Elephant Day removes “Catherine” commercial featuring photos of elephant washing upon learning of hidden cruelty
80,000 of you signed our Turkish Airlines petition in just 11 days. The company is already listening to...
To improve the lives of captive elephants around the world, we need to see more elephant-friendly venues rather...
Approval will bring an end to cages for chickens, calves, and pigs in the Golden State and beyond
La selva tropical del Amazonas es famosa por su vida silvestre diversa, y la cantidad de turistas que quieren tomarse selfies con sus fascinantes animales está aumentando rápidamente.
Use your voice to pressure McDonald‘s to adhere to its original promise of ending antibiotic overuse in its meat production.